Forward Controls Design mostly uses acronyms for product names, these acronyms are formed from each product's description/function. For instance, ABC/R is an acronym for Augmented Bolt Catch/Release. There are exceptions to the naming convention. 6315, 6310, and 1815 flash suppressors/compensators aren't acronyms. Instead, the first 2 digits denote the model numbers of the original designs which inspired ours. 63 pays homage to the Stoner 63 LMG, whose flash suppressor ports influenced our design, while 18 denotes the flash suppressor design of the original AR18/180. The last 2 digits signify the system: 15 for AR15, 10 for AR10.
While acronyms are used in all industries and fields, they can get out of hands. This page is meant to be a quick guide to Forward Controls product names and how they look, so quirky acronyms like MSQ-H (MLOK, Sling mount, QD, Heavy) can be quickly referenced.
ABC/R v2 (Augmented Bolt Catch/Release, version 2)
ABC/R v2, 7.62mm (Augmented Bolt Catch/Release version 2, for 7.62mm ARs)
ATA (Adjustable Turret caps, for Aimpoint Micro T1/T2)
EMR (Enhanced Magazine Release, through hole)
EMR-C (Enhanced Magazine Release, Continuous serrations, blind hole)
EMR, AA (Enhanced Magazine Release, with AA/dimpled surface, through hole)
EMR-C, AA (Enhanced Magazine Release, Continuous serrations, with AA/dimpled surface)
EMR-A, AA (Enhanced Magazine Release, Ambidextrous, with AA/dimpled surface)
EMR-A (Enhanced Magazine Release, Ambidextrous)
LDFA (Low Drag Forward Assist)
LDFA-AA (Low Drag Forward Assist, with AA/dimpled surface), shown here with ABC/R-AA
CNF (Castle Nut, Forward Controls)
ESF (End plate, Sling adapter, Forward Controls)
JCW (Joint Castle nut Wrench)
MSQ-H (MLOK Sling mount, QD, Heavy)
SBCG (Secure staking, Slick side BCG), with dimpled or serrated forward assist surface
Sling Keep A (Sling keeper with adjustable length/tension)
Sling Keep B (Sling keeper with 1" elastic nylon, capable of carrying a CAT tourniquet)
TSK (Tape Switch Keeper, WML pressure switch cable management)
6315 (A2 compatible flash suppressor/compensator, with improved muzzle rise compensator, 1/2 x 28)
6310 (A2 compatible flash suppressor/compensator, with improved muzzle rise compensator, 5/8 x 24)
6310 (A2 compatible flash suppressor/compensator, with improved muzzle rise compensator, 5/8 x 24)
1815 ((3 prong A2 compatible flash suppressor/compensator, with improved muzzle rise compensator, 1/2 x 28)
RHF (Railed Hand guard, Forward Controls), available in 6.7", 9.5", 13.7", and 15" lengths
RHF4 (quad rails)
URF v2 (Upper Receiver, Forward Controls) v2, with over pressure gas relief vent. Available without provisions for forward assist (URF-S v2)
RBF (Reinforced Buffer retainer, Forward Controls)
TGF (Trigger Guard, Forward Controls)
MCF (MLOK Cover, Foward Controls)
RBF (Reinforced Buffer retainer, Forward Controls)
GBF (Gas Block, Forward Controls)
EPC (Ejection Port Cover)
GBF (Gas Block Forward Controls)
GPT (Gas tube Pin Tool)
OPF-G, RMR (Optics Platform, Glock, RMR)
CSR (Compact Sectional Rods)
PCM (Panel, Cable Management)